Having a Travelling Husband
This is my now official traveling Hubby. He has been traveling more often for work but recently has taken a position that he will be traveling a whole lot more. This is good in the sense that he doesn't have to go into the plant and will actually enjoy his job, but hard because he is not here. There are some perks, but being a single parent is hard. I give major props to single moms and military wives. You guys deserve major awards and a bottle of wine for what you do. It's a little easier since I only have 2 at home now but it still gets absolutely insane. So, I wanted to share what are the perks that I have found-
- Netflix. Back in January, I finally caught up on all the American Horror Story series that I had missed and am now going through Mad Men. I think my next one will be Once Upon a Time. These are all shows he wouldn't watch and I can watch in peace!
- Not cooking. My kids love Ramen noodle night. Doodle would live on Mac and Cheese if I let her. I also make the dinners I can't when he's home because he won't eat them, like fettuccine alfredo.
- Not shaving. Unless I want to.
- Sometimes I let the dog sleep with the kids, if they are having a bad time missing Daddy. I then have the wash the sheets the next day because of dog hair, but it's worth it!
- Controlling the remote, and having the whole bed to myself. This can get bad, especially if he's gone too long. But, then Bubby sneaks into bed with me sometimes. Doodle has on occasion too.
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