Our Jobs As Women
I want to pose a question to all the mamas and wives out there who read my little blog-do you build up each other or tear each other down? I have been mulling this over for a while now and have noticed the "great divide" between women- working moms to stay at home moms, formula moms to breastfeeding moms, organic moms to non-organic moms, meat eaters to vegans, the list goes on. What I don't think I will ever understand is the judgement and harshness from one side to the other. I have encountered this many times when I meet people and they ask me what I do. I respond, "I'm a housewife." Sometimes I get cheeky and say "Domestic engineer" because it sounds more grown up. But, inevitably, the response I get is, "Oh, you don't have a real job?" or something along those lines. I will never forget the time a woman whom I had known for quite a while, who had been a stay at home mom turned working mom, told me that I didn't have an ide