Me and the Dreaded Middle Age Body

As some of you know, I am over 40. Almost 42 to be exact.  And a few weeks ago, I got it in my head that I was too overweight.  If you consult a BMI chart and look up what I should weigh based on my height,  I am morbidly obese. That says I should weigh 120. Let's just say I am no where close to that, nor have I been for quite a few years.
 I decided to diet.  I am horrible at dieting.  I have a mean sweet tooth and no self control.  But I bought my Slimfast shakes and started.  I was miserable. And only lost 2 pounds.  Then I had a realization.  No matter what I do, this body will never be the body I had in my teens or even 20s. It has gone through too many changes.  My hips will never fit into a size 3 again because I carried three children.  They destroyed me.  (Kidding) And now, after all those changes it's been through, we are headed into perimenopause. This realization changed my perspective immensely.  I am almost 42. Do I want to look like a 20 year old? Nope.  I'm going to start loving my body the way that it is because the changes my body went through produced three of the sweetest souls I know and I wouldn't trade that for anything.  So,  no more diets.  I will make a conscious effort to stop eating like an unsupervised kid in a candy store, but I am not counting calories anymore.   I'm feeling happier already!


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