Hyperbiotics Pro-15 Probiotics Review!

*I received this free in return for my honest review. Opinions are 100% my own. I am in no way a doctor and all this is just from my experience. Your experience may differ.*

I have talked about Doodle having stomach issues in the past.
Last year, her stomach was so bad, that she would go all day only eating an apple. She lost almost 15 pounds and didn't have that to lose in the first place. We started out at our pediatrician who referred us to a stomach specialist. They did all kinds of tests, including gluten, milk, you name it. They honestly couldn't find anything and diagnosed her with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I was not satisfied and started my own research. When she was little, she had ear infection after infection. The doctors back then would put her on antibiotics for every one. She even got a blood infection one time after coming off an antibiotic because it didn't work. Then after the ear infections went away, she had problems with strep to the point she had to have her tonsils out. In my research, I discovered that they don't tell you that even one course of antibiotics can really damage the natural makeup of your intestines. Your digestive tract is naturally made up of bacteria that is essential to the digestion and absorption of your food. When you take antibiotics without taking probiotics, it wipes away a lot of the good bacteria you need because there is no way for it to discern between the good and bad bacteria. Of course, I did not know this back then. So, I immediately put her on a regimen of probiotics and digestive enzymes. And I was really happy to be chosen to try this one!  It has 15 different probiotic strains and 15 Billion Controlled Release CFU. And instead of just it being a capsule, this is time released so your body gets the good stuff throughout the day! And it's so advanced, it doesn't just get the probiotics to your small intestine as some do, but to your large intestine too! Having a well working digestive system effects so much, from your mood, your energy, your weight. It is so important to get your gut back to the way it's supposed to be! I really like this probiotic because it is time released and reaches further. Doodle has been really liking it also! Check them out on Amazon  and on their website at Hyperbiotics.com. They have a very informative section to teach you about probiotics on their website. Definitely check them out!


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