I'm so excited! The Liebster Award!

Before I begin, I want to thank Christine over at Three Boy Circus for passing this award to me! I'm so excited! And I had no idea what the Liebster Award was! As you know I have only been blogging for less than a year, so I am very new to this! It's an award that is passed around to new bloggers, like me, and is a way for everyone to get to know each other and boost everyone's confidence! It's such a great idea and I'm so glad Christine thought of me!

The Rules:
1. Post the award on your blog
2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
3.Write 11 random facts about yourself
4. Nominate 11 fellow bloggers who you feel deserve this award and have less than 1000 followers
5. Answer 11 questions posted by your presenter and in turn ask your nominees 11 questions!

My 11 Random Facts:

1. I am a transplanted Yankee! I grew up in New York State.
2. I love coffee and wine equally.
3. Me and Hubby were high school sweethearts.
4. I love all animals but am partial to dogs. (Don't tell my cat)
5. I love anything vintage. I wish I had lived in the 40's and 50's.
6. I am a book lover. I always have at least 2 books going.
7. I have a terrible sweet tooth, but do not like white chocolate. Any milk or dark chocolate, not white.
8. I like baking more than cooking. Hence the sweet tooth.
9. I'm obsessed with Mad Men. I'm so sad that it's the last season
10. I hate chick flick movies.
11. I love scary movies.

My responses to Christine's Questions:
If you could live anywhere, where would you choose?
The beach! Especially Outer Banks! We went last year and I just fell in love!
Are you a dog person or a cat person?
Both but I'm partial to dogs. See random facts!
How did you choose the name for your blog?
Doodle did! When I was trying to come up with a name, she came in and told me that's what I needed to name it!
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I have no idea, to be honest. Things have been changing so much around here that I couldn't tell you!
What is your favorite meal to cook? (Or eat at a restaurant?)
Shrimp! I don't get to eat it at home since no one else likes it so I have to eat it when we go out!
What is one thing you want to learn how to do?
I would love to paint. My grandma is a wonderful painter and I always wanted to do it too.
Favorite holiday?
Do you have a nickname?
No. My full name is Kerian (pronounced Carrie Ann) and I go by Keri, if that counts
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your 14 year old self?
Be patient. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up.
Best book you've read recently?
I re-read  The Shack by William Young. Great book
Who is the most inspiring person you know?
My mom.
11 Questions for my nominees

1. How did you come up with your blog?
2. What do you consider your best quality?
3. What's your favorite color?
4. What kind of music do you listen to?
5. If you could choose any time in history to live, when would it be and why?
6. Who is your hero?
7. Do you have a collection?
8. What's your favorite animal?
9. White chocolate or dark?
10. What's your favorite sports team?
11. Hotdogs or Hamburgers?

My 11 Nominees:

1. Stephanie at Crazy Little Love Birds
2. Jess at Pursued By Love
3. Suzanne at Searching for the Gold
4. Vanessa at Tried and True
5. Anita at Queens NYC Mom
6.Alice at Just a Bit of It All
7. Mama Mummy Mum
8. Victoria at My Little L
9.Amy at In My Bubble
10. Ciara at Our Little House in the Country
11. Kirsty at Hijacked By Twins


  1. Thanks for the nomination, I was wondering what the Liebster Award was, I had seen it mentioned but had no idea what it was!!! So, just to clarify (sorry, it's 11.20pm and I'm exhausted) what do I do now, do I do a similar post to this on my blog, following the rules above? This is such a great idea!

  2. Yep! Just follow the rules and do the same! It really gets you looking at other blogs! I found some great ones, including yours!

  3. Hello lovely. Thank you for the nomination however I was given this award last year. Loved reading yours though x x x

    1. I had no idea! Finding new blogs was sooo hard! Thanks for visiting!

  4. Thanks a lot for nominating me! I feel so happy and i think is a great opportunity to find new blogs! :)

    1. You are so welcome! I am so excited over this opportunity and think it's so great to help us newbies!


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